Welcome to the family!
We’re glad to have you with us! Here’s what happens when you visit our clinic:

Your First Visit
Your first visit at our clinic will focus on identifying the underlying cause or causes of your symptoms. To appropriately identify these causes, several exams and tests may be performed including:
- Health history
- Orthopedic and neurological tests
- Palpatory examination
- Spinal biomechanical analysis
- Potentially, send for X-rays
Following the conclusion of your first visit, your doctor will evaluate your test results to determine if your complaint can be successfully treated in our clinic. If not, we will refer you to the most appropriate health care professional for your complaint.

Your Second Visit
If your doctor determines that you are a good candidate for our care then you will be asked to participate in a “test run” of our unique spinal corrective protocol, where your doctor can virtually guarantee if our treatment program can benefit you or not.
By conducting this “test run,” we can determine:
- If we can help you;
- How long it will take; and
- How much it will cost.
By taking each person through the “test run”, we can take the guesswork out of how you will respond to our care.
You may find after the “test run” you are a little sore and achy. This is OKAY and expected! Creating movement where there hasn’t been any is a good thing, remember to ice, ice, ice!