Dr. Ian Horseman
Chiropractor Certified In Functional Neurology
Dr. Ian Horseman
Chiropractor Certified In Functional Neurology
Dr. Ian is a Chiropractor of 23 years registered to practice with the College of Chiropractors of Ontario. He graduated with the degree of Doctorate of Chiropractic in 1993 from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. He currently owns and operates Brain Therapy Clinic where we specialize in functional neurology, vestibular therapy, and postural correction as well as musculoskeletal and nervous system deficiencies. He has completed over 2700 hours of Ph.D. level neurology courses in traumatic brain injury and vestibular system therapies, specifically concussions, degenerative brain disease, headaches, balance and gait, vertigo and numerous brain based conditions. In the past, Dr. Ian has taught worldwide on the Pettibon postural correction protocols, scoliosis, and TMJ, and over the last 5 years teaching other professions Functional Neurology and concussion management all over Canada.

Dr. Peter Jaillet
Chiropractic Neurologist
Dr. Peter Jaillet
Chiropractic Neurologist
A Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Peter Jaillet has been doing research in the field of neurology for the past 18 years. He has earned over 2500+ content hours in both Applied Kinesiology and Neurology. In 1995, during treatment with two world class athletes, he developed the concept and prototype for Eyelights, a device that provides optimal stimulation to the brain using light therapy. Through further research, he found that light therapy also increased a child’s ability to learn. Dr. Jaillet continues to further his education and currently is doing a fellowship in traumatic brain injury as well as pursuing a Ph.D. in neurosciences and rehabilitation.