As a chiropractor specializing in neurological and physical conditions at the Brain Therapy Clinic, I’d like to discuss a topic close to my heart and central to my practice – the use of cervical traction units for spinal health.
Cervical traction is a therapeutic tool we use frequently in our clinic. It’s a treatment method that can provide relief for various conditions, including neck pain, herniated or bulging discs, radiculopathy, and even certain types of headaches.
But what exactly is cervical traction, and how does it benefit your spinal health?
Cervical traction is a non-surgical, non-invasive technique that works by gently stretching the neck to separate the disc and joint surfaces in the cervical spine (neck).
This separation helps to relieve pressure on the nerve roots and promotes better spinal health.
Here are some of the key benefits of using cervical traction units:
  1. Pain Relief: By gently stretching the neck, cervical traction helps to relieve pressure on compressed nerves, reducing pain and discomfort. It’s particularly effective for patients suffering from cervical radiculopathy and disc herniations.
  2. Improved Mobility: Regular use of cervical traction can help to increase your range of motion. By alleviating stiffness and tension in the neck, patients often experience improved mobility and flexibility.
  3. Non-Invasive Treatment: One of the significant advantages of cervical traction is that it’s non-invasive. It provides an alternative to surgical interventions, which can be a relief for patients who are apprehensive about surgery.
  4. Promotes Relaxation: The gentle stretching action of cervical traction can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Many of our patients report feeling more relaxed and less tense after their traction sessions.
In our clinic, we use both manual and mechanical cervical traction units. The choice between the two depends on the patient’s specific condition, comfort level, and treatment goals.
It’s important to note that while cervical traction can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not suitable for everyone.
Certain conditions, such as acute neck injuries, osteomyelitis, spinal instability, and certain types of cancer, may contraindicate cervical traction.
Therefore, it’s crucial to have a thorough evaluation at our clinic before starting any new treatment.
Cervical traction units are a valuable tool in our arsenal for promoting spinal health and alleviating neck pain. If you’re struggling with neck pain or a related condition, I invite you to reach out to our clinic.
We’re here to help guide you on your journey to better health.
Remember, your health is your wealth. Take good care of it.
Have a great day,
Dr. Ian Horseman