Motor vehicle accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence, and while many people are aware of the potential for broken bones or whiplash, there’s another injury that often goes unnoticed: concussions. I’m Dr. Ian Horseman from the Brain Therapy Clinic in Peterborough, and I’d like to shed some light on this overlooked issue.

The Prevalence of Concussions in Accidents: Concussions are more common in car accidents than most people realize, especially when speeds exceed 30 kilometers per hour. The impact can cause issues with the brain stem, leading to a range of symptoms that might not be immediately associated with a concussion.

Symptoms and Impact on Vision: One of the primary areas affected by a concussion is vision. When the brain stem is impacted, it can disrupt the eyes’ ability to work together as a team. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Difficulty reading
  • Vision disturbances, such as feeling like things are moving when they’re not
  • Headaches
  • Memory issues

Advanced Diagnostic Tools: At our clinic, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment like the videonystagmography to analyze eye movements with precision. This machine measures eye movements hyper-accurately, helping us determine if the eyes are moving in sync, if there are any delays, and how the brain processes these movements. By understanding these patterns, we can pinpoint issues and develop targeted treatment plans.

Rehabilitation and Treatment: Rehabilitation is crucial for those who’ve suffered a concussion in a car accident. We employ advanced touchscreen programs designed to retrain the eyes, improve hand-eye coordination, and enhance memory and reaction time. While our demonstration with Kyle, who hasn’t suffered an injury, might make it look easy, these exercises can be challenging for those with concussions. However, with regular practice, they can make a significant difference in recovery.

Conclusion: Concussions are a serious concern in motor vehicle accidents, and their symptoms can be pervasive, affecting various aspects of daily life. It’s essential to recognize the signs and seek appropriate treatment. At the Brain Therapy Clinic, we’re committed to providing advanced diagnostic and rehabilitation services to help those affected by concussions get back to living their best lives.

Book a complimentary phone consultation with Dr. Horseman. If you’ve suffered from a car accident or might be dealing with a concussion, Dr. Horseman can help.

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